Sweat PersonAs I go through the week, I find a lot of trivia, fun articles and news bits that are worth sharing, so this week I’ve actually kept track a little bit.

  • Sometimes a track workout leaves you sweaty. And sometimes, that sweat gets left on the track in your own image. (See More)
  • It took the San Francisco Marathon 4 days to figure out that the woman that won their race was a man, mostly because the female winners were pretty much ignored by the media. It wasn’t the man’s fault…he registered as a male and didn’t even know they’d changed his gender on him. (Read More)
  • Folks shouldn’t complain too much about San Francisco, though…after all, it took the folks at the London Marathon 2 months to figure out that one of the age group winners was a man and not a woman. Good news for Brenda Kinch! (Read More)
  • Elvan Abeylegesse had a busy start to the European Championships, winning the 10,000m and getting ready for the 5000m. Of course, she’s just happy to be there, as she almost died while travelling to the race. Her taxi got caught in a rock slide during a storm and the cab started to flood before Elvan was pulled to safety by construction workers. Thankfully, her passport wasn’t damaged so she was still able to get to the race on time. (Read More)
  • On Prince Edward Island, you could have won 50 pounds of lobster if you were able to cross a marina on a bridge of lobster traps in less than 5.7 seconds, which was the winning time of 14 year old Logan Martindale. (Read More)