Jack LaLanne is the “GodFather of Fitness” and spent most of his life encouraging a healthy lifestyle among Americans. His television show promoting fitness, good nutrition, and his own ideas about how to lead a better life aired for over 40 years from 1951 through 1985.

He’s also done some pretty amazing physical feats, such as swimming to shore from Alcatraz while handcuffed (which he repeated a second time a few years later while also shackled and towing a 1000 pound boat), doing 1033 pushups in 23 minutes, and doing 1000 star jumps and 1000 chin ups in 82 minutes when his show went live on national television.

He died this past Sunday of pneumonia at the age of 96. There are a lot of clips on YouTube from his show and it’s worth taking a look through them if you have some spare time.

Here’s one about how to be happier: