Barefoot runners on some brick stairsThe Natural Running Symposium took place in October of 2010 at the Maine Running Company. Danny Abshire from Newton Running, Kirsten Buchanan from Impact Sports Medicine and Jamie Raymond from Raymond Chiropractic joined John Rogers to talk about barefoot and natural running in front of a crowd of about 60 people.

Each speaker had their own take on what natural running means and why it is good for us, as well as when it isn’t.

This is the last video of the question and answer session that followed the presentation. The audience asked quite a few questions, such as whether there were kids shoes available that fit the requirements for natural running, when to know when you need to replace your Newtons, how to speed adaptation along, and whether barefoot and natural running is a fad or not.

Video Transcription


All of the videos from the natural running symposium are now online! If you’d like to watch the entire presentation (almost 90 minutes) in one go, or if you are interested in downloading a PDF of the full transcription of the entire presentation and Q & A session, then just enter your email address here and I’ll send you the information about where you can do so:

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