The Greater Portland YMCA Back Bay 5k was Friday night. Erin and I ran down to the start as our warmup, and then hobbled our way through the race. The weather (somewhat) cooperated; for a change it was not raining. There are rumors that this afternoon the sun even shone for a few minutes at a time. I do not believe them, though; my windowless office speaks otherwise.

Obviously, running only 2 days a week as I have been, I did not do as well as I did last year. Last year I came in 4th place, and my teammate that I was trying to beat won the whole thing. This year, the competition was much better, my time was much slower, and the only people on my team that were running were Erin and myself. A few of our teammates were working the finish line, and one of them forgot about the race and had just finished her run when her son had her drive him over. He beat me by not quite 2 and a half minutes.

I came in 15th overall this year, 4 outta 20 for the open division. I ran a five and a half minute, two six minutes, and a half a minute splits for an 18:09 or 18:10 or so. I am about to start upping my mileage, so my times should start dropping. Oh well, I dropped a minute off of my last race.