WADA embraces stronger doping bans

Less than a month after the World Anti-Doping Agency passed the Madrid Resolution, WADA President Dick Pound met with former BALCO owner Victor Conte about ways to prevent and catch athletes using performance-enhancing drugs. The Madrid Resolution calls for stiffer...

Ted Corbitt passes away at the age of 88

Ted Corbitt passed away earlier this morning in Houston, Texas at the age of 88. He was the first president of the Road Runners Club of America and a strong supporter of race course certification and a masters racing category. Ted was one of the countries first...

Ryan Shay was killed by drugs

Last weekend, Ryan Shay died during the men’s Olympic Marathon Trials in New York City. He was a hard working young man that everybody liked. He came from a close knit community that has been trying to figure out how they are going to deal with his passing. Over...

Bradbury Bruiser course marking moved to Sunday

In the description of the Bradbury Bruiser Trail Race, I mentioned that the final course preview run and the trail marking was going to be tomorrow morning at 9:30 am and 7:00 am respectively. This has been changed to Sunday morning, October 21st, at the same times....