This Week Last Year: Intervals and Blind Folds

This week last year I wrote one of my more popular articles, an FAQ about Interval Training. I broke down the 5 most frequent questions that I am asked about interval training and explained in detail what the answers were. I also discovered the Vision 5k, a race where...

This Week Last Year: Matter over Mind

This week last year and two years ago was a busy one. This week this year I am on my way to Rhode Island to run a marathon. Have a good weekend! This week last year, I finished up the series on Mind Games by discussing how how your body controls your thoughts. In a...

This Week Last Year: Swimming

This week last year was filled mostly with racing news, and what wasn’t racing was related in some way to swimming. I offered 9 methods for counting laps in the pool. I usually use the buoys on the lane dividers. A revolutionary in the shotput in the early 50s,...

This Week Last Year: All About Boston

This week last year was centered on my preparations for the Boston Marathon. I began the week by discussing my taper and race goals, which wound up not being feasible no matter how realistic they may have began as. I quickly began to wonder whether the Boston Marathon...