World Marathon Majors

A new marathon racing series, the World Marathon Majors, has been announced, with scoring from five of the largest marathons in the world as well as the Olympics and world championships going into the competition. Organizers of the Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and...

The NFL playoffs were not very exciting this year

Maybe it was just me, but the NFL playoffs this year just were not very exciting. Most of the games seemed like foregone conclusions fairly early into them, despite some of them being the opposite of what was expected. The Giants and Jacksonville may as well not even...

The Rose Bowl

Well, my predictions about the Rose Bowl were close, but wrong. USC scored four times, not three, and Texas score twice as much as I thought that they would for a final score of 41-38. The final spread was what I thought it would be, though (albeit from the opposite...

Rose Bowl: First Half

I just finished watching the first half of the Rose Bowl; Texas is beating Southern California 16 to 10. The game is not going nearly the way that I was expecting it to. Texas is around where I thought they would be, maybe a few points up, but I thought that USC would...