by Blaine Moore | Last Year
Once again, I seemed to miss a week for looking back. Last week last year was busy, with quite a few news notes, training tips, and discussions on research findings. I discussed some research on the merits of tempo workouts vs. interval workouts. Personally, I prefer...
by Blaine Moore | Race Results, Sports
Dirigo RC had a good showing this weekend with strong performances in the Philadelphia Marathon and the New England Cross Country Championships. Sheri Piers and Kristin Barry both ran very strong marathons in Philadelphia, starting and finishing together in 2:45:36!...
by Blaine Moore | Last Year
After a few days off from the site to run the marathon (during which time I got a lot of traffic, surprisingly enough), I wrote up my thoughts and experiences from New York City while Scott began the next month’s topic on injuries. The first thing to note about...
by Blaine Moore | Last Year
This week last year I was getting ready for the New York City marathon, although that did not keep me from racing. I had not quite started tapering yet, though. I planned out my NYC race strategy, since I would be pacing a friend through his first one. Our race almost...
by Blaine Moore | Race Results, Sports
The Men’s 8k went off this morning but not without a few hitches. The race was originally scheduled for yesterday morning, but the snow caused the race to be delayed for a day. The course was also changed to use the 1.7 mile lower loop, which was cleared of snow...
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