Alltop on Running

I received an email this afternoon from Guy Kawasaki letting me know about Alltop, a new aggregator of all sorts of news and topics. Run to Win has been featured on their Running Page, and there are a lot of other quality running websites also listed. If you have a...

Complete Running Network first impressions

The Complete Running Network launched at the beginning of the week, and I would like to share my first impressions of the service. First, I like the new look of the site. The old site was very bland and not at all exciting. The new site is crisp, modern, and pleasant...

Complete Running Network is now online!

For those who have been anticipating it, and for those who have no idea what it is, the Complete Running website has redesigned itself, hired over a dozen new writers, and is now live! You can find them at When I first looked at their home page, I...