Justin Gatlin works out for the Buccaneers

After Justin Gatlin first faced his ban from professional track & field for steroid use, he started working out for a few NFL football teams. Nothing came from it, though, and none of the teams that he worked out for last year brought him in for a formal workout....

This Week Last Year: Weight Lifting and Football

This week last year was pretty slow. Just about everything had something to do with weight lifting or football, although the football news was more on the humorous side than the serious side. I demonstrated how to do a seated leg extension in my animated series. In...

This Week Last Year: Protein, Roses, and Water

This week last year I concentrated on getting the site updated and writing articles concerned with one aspect of weight lifting or another. There was a small bit of football news that snuck in there as well. I continued my animated series by demonstrating how to do a...