Maine to DC: Update #6

Gary has been making great time, and got to the Bronx last night and is already through New York this morning and making his way through New Jersey. Gary has run 475 miles and has 230 miles left to go! As always, you can track his progress at and...

Maine to DC: Updates #4 and #5

Gary has been making great time this weekend, and as I write this on Monday morning he’s over 335 miles into his trip, and is making his way through Connecticut! Pretty soon he’ll be going through my old stomping grounds. Fun stat #1: Gary covered 327...

Maine to DC: Update #3

Yesterday was day 4 of Gary Allen’s run from Maine to DC. He totaled around “43” miles, and I put that in quotes because he discovered that if he leaves the orange line his mileage stops counting until he rejoins it, and then it’s just the...

Maine to DC: Update #2

Gary got about 90 miles through yesterday, and today has already passed the 100 mile mark. It looks like he will be running through Portland tomorrow for anybody in the Brunswick to Biddeford area that wants to join him for a few miles or to bring him some food or...

Maine 2 DC: Update #1

I just heard from Gary, and he’s left us an update from the road about 2/3 of the way through today’s run. You can listen to it below: Click the play button to hear Gary’s update: Click here to Download [ 0:03:38 | MP3 | 5.2 MB ] Gray ran 45.3 miles...