AudioIn a continuing collaboration with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, March is the month of Music and other audio topics. This week, I would like to discuss some podcasts that have running related themes.

First on the list has to be Phedippidations. I reviewed the show about a year ago when I started listening to it regularly. Steve “Runner” Walker produces the show, and he explores a new running topic every week. He has talked about famous runners, he has talked about race directing, he has talked about dogs that give chase, and he has even recorded shows during some of his races which he splices together into an interesting story.

Second on the list would be Get Your Geek On (GYGO), which is a podcast about triathletes. It is recorded by “Kahuna” of Tri-Geek Dreams and “Iron Wil” of Through the Wall.

Burning Twenty is a podcast by Adam Tinkoff, who resolved to lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks in 2006. In order to keep himself on track, he created the podcast to help motivate himself and anybody that listened. This year, his goal is to run 1000 miles.

The Dump Runner’s Club is another weekly podcast that deals with running and features interviews and race reviews.

Running Injury Free provides advice to runners who don’t want to get hurt. While it aims more for the crowd that are running for fun and not necessarily for speed and competition (not that the two are mutually exclusive), much of the advice crosses over just fine.

There are other shows that I have seen mentioned, but these are the ones that I used to listen to. I have not really been listening to any podcasts for the past 3 or 4 months due to time constraints at work. A 3 person IT department being wittled down to 1 person does not leave long stretches of time without interruptions!

What are your favorite running shows? Let’s add them to the list!