Day 3 of this workout regimen concentrates on the back, shoulders, and abs. Begin with a thorough warm-up that will elevate your heart rate and wake your muscles up. You may want to do a little stretching before you start lifting. After each set, take 50-60 seconds rest and then start the next set. After each specific exercise, take the same 50-60 seconds; it may take a little longer to get the weights or machine set for the next exercise so don’t worry if you can’t keep to under a minute for rest. If you don’t have access to the machines then most of these exercises can easily be replaced with dumbbell or barbell exercises. The specific exercises are:

  • Back
    1. Front Lat Pulldown: 4@10-15
    2. Upright Row: 4@6-10
    3. Lower Back Machine: 3@10-15
  • Shoulders
    1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3@6-12
    2. Dumbbell Side Laterals: 3@10-15
    3. Dumbbell Shrugs: 3@10-15
  • Abs
    1. Pulley Prayers: 4@15-30
    2. Knee Raises: 3@20-30

The number of sets is followed by the number of repetitions to do for each set. So, 4@6-10 would be 6 to 10 reps for each of 4 sets.

This is a part of one of my 3-Day a Week Workout Regimens.

I’m not overly happy with this workout yet. I think that I may add something in there somewhere.