Shark Steaks

Running through the market yesterday, I saw that Shark Steaks were for sale for $3.50/lb. Well, I have never eaten shark before, and I thought I would give it a try. I bought two steaks; they were about 1″ thick and about 1�” to 1�” thick. The...

Review: PowerBar ProteinPlus Bars

I have been eating the PowerBar ProteinPlus High Protein Bars after my workouts for the three weeks to a month or so, and have decided that I like them. I did not like them very much at all, at first, because their consistency is not that much different than a normal...

Is a healthy diet expensive?

Scott from Straight to the Bar asked on his website whether or not a healthy diet is expensive. My answer to him is that it depends, but generally no, it is not. This morning I stumbled upon a map indicating the states of the US which have the largest obesity...

Egg Sandwiches

I was reading on the Cigar Jack’s Website about the Egg and Muffin Toaster gadget, and thinking, wow, that is a waste of money. It is actually quite easy to make one of those perfectly round eggs that are just the right size for an english muffin; here’s...

Intuitive Eating

The Health and Fitness blog has an article about Intuitive Eating, or eating whatever you want when you are hungry, but not eating anything if you are not hungry. One pays attention to hunger pangs, eats whatever they want and stops eating when “full.” The proponent...

Roasted Vegetables

I was reading over at “Straight to the Bar” about having a snack of roasted vegetables, and it sounded good so I tried it the other night. Take whatever vegetables you have laying around, slice them up into small pieces, and throw them on a roasting pan...