by Blaine Moore | Last Year
This week last year saw a good mix of workout and race news, along with a great recipe and some news on the moron of the day. The second New England Mile road race was won by Dereck Treadwell, but he was unable to bring home the sub-4 prize money. Let’s hope...
by Blaine Moore | Last Year
This week last year, I did a lot of talking about running and marathons. It was a popular topic, because the seed of quite a few of my articles came from what other people wrote. In most cases, I didn’t completely agree (or completely disagreed) with what those...
by Blaine Moore | Last Year
There were basically three topics on my mind this week last year. The Vermont City Marathon, the Complete Running website, and Lance Armstrong. I ran the Vermont City Marathon in Burlington over Memorial Day weekend last year. I had a lot of fun. You can read about...
by Blaine Moore | Last Year
This week last year was a taper week leading up to my Spring Marathon. The biggest news this week last year, though, had to be Braxton Bilbrey’s swim to shore from Alcatraz. I fully expect that we will be hearing his name quite a bit in a decade or so when he...
by Blaine Moore | Last Year
This week last year was very light. I suggested that a regular sleep schedule is important. I think that this is a very important habit to cultivate. I updated a few stories that I had written about the week before. The alligator was caught that had killed the jogger...
by Blaine Moore | Last Year
This week last year was dominated by the news, without as many tips, suggestions and strategies as last week. The animated series continued with how to do assisted pushups. Brendan Fitzgerald shared a story about the Penn Relays, and then randomly won a copy of Coast...
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