by Blaine Moore | Reader Questions, Treadmill Tips
Can you sober up faster by going for a run? How will it affect your blood alcohol levels? If you go for a quick jog around the block, will it be safe for you to drive home after a night at the pub? These are the types of questions that Adam Savage and the Mythbusters...
by Blaine Moore | Food & Beverage
We finally got around to kegging the light beer and brewing up another light beer. The “Morning Light Ale” that we kegged is the traditional recipe, basically. The one that we brewed today I played with a little bit. The base is the same, but I used the...
by Blaine Moore | Food & Beverage
We finally got around to labeling the four cases of maple wheat and a new bitter that we had laying around. We decided to go with the picture of the statue for the bitter (a new label), and we kept the picture of the goats from last year’s maple wheat. The goats...
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