Biking & Walking in the US: How Do You Rank?

The Alliance for Biking & Walking just released their 2012 Benchmarking Report, which describes the data that they have collected and analyzed across all 50 states and 51 of the largest cities in the country on safety, infrastructure, habits, policies, education...

How to Win a $4500 Custom Road Bike…For Free

Today is National Bike to Work day, so I gave my bike a quick tune up last night and rode into town this morning. Hopefully this year I’ll do a better job of actually riding the bike in to work or at least running home on days when I can get a ride in to town....

Traffic Safety Seminar ยป July 23

The Portland Bicycle Commuters are putting on another seminar next week, this month about Traffic Safety. This seminar will focus on knowledge and techniques to enable cyclists to ride safely and confidently with car traffic on public roads. This month’s seminar...

Hitting cyclists with a car…

The Clam Festival this weekend had many events other than the 5 mile race. There was a kayak race and a cycling race as well. The cycling race was not completed, however. They had to stop the race with 2 laps (about 10 kilometers) remaining. 88-year-old John...