Kara Goucher will not run the 2009 London Marathon

Just yesterday, Kara Goucher was considering the London Marathon. It took about a day or so, but her coach, Alberto Salazar, has talked her out of running. The AP is listing her possible attempt at running London 6 days after Boston as having been unprecedented, but I...

Kara Goucher to Run the 2009 London Marathon?

Try to imagine that you have an honest chance of winning the Boston Marathon. You run the marathon, and there are still 8 women in the lead pack past 20 miles because the pace is so slow (remember, you have an honest chance of winning!) Then imagine that you are...

Boston Marathon Photos

It was a fun but tiring weekend, so details will be forthcoming later. In the meantime, I’ve got a few announcements: I’ve uploaded my photos of the marathon. I haven’t had a chance to look at the video I shot yet. Congratulations to the Dirigo...