The Boston Marathon – Post Race

After the race, it was cold. Anybody that knows me knows that I do not say that lightly. No matter which block you were on, it was windy. The finish line is similar to New York City, where they do their very best to funnel you away from the finish line as fast as...

Boston Marathon – The Race

Last night, I shared a few thoughts and memories of the Athlete’s Village before the Boston Marathon. The following are my watch splits, which will be off a little bit from the official splits. I will share those later. For a change, I hit almost every mile...

Don’t let fear overcome your common sense

In a continuing collaboration with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be talking about head games for the month of April and delve into the thought processes that you may have while you are working out or competing. Today I would like to discuss fear and how...

1 Day until the Boston Marathon

The Boston Marathon is tomorrow morning. That sounds strange; this is the first year that the races starts in the morning. The starting gun will be at 10:00 for the first wave of the start, rather than at noon as it has been for the past century or so. The weather...