by Blaine Moore | Race Results
175 runners were met with some fog at the Back Cove this evening, with Michael Payson leading the way by bringing in this year’s fastest time to date: 16:11. Curtis Wheeler was chasing him down, a mere 9 seconds back. Abbey Gosling again won the women’s...
by Blaine Moore | Race Results
Tonight was the 2nd of 19 installments in this year’s Back Cove Weekly Series. The weather was pretty ideal for running, with temperatures in the mid-60s and a slight breeze. There were 175 finishers this week. Curtis Wheeler took the lead in the race about 1.25...
by Blaine Moore | Race Results
Like last year, I volunteered at the race rather than running it. For the past couple of days I was (only slightly) regretting having committed to volunteering since I thought that 1 week post-marathon I’d be too sore to want to race a 5k, but I’ve been...
by Blaine Moore | Race Results
I’ll admit it. Having never met Curtis Wheeler before, and seeing the pace he set from the very beginning, I fully expected him to blow up within a half mile and fall back to the crowd. Of course, I didn’t find out who he was until after the race, or else...
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