The Mud Hog Trail Race

The Mud Hog Trail Race is debuting this year at the Gunstock Mountain Resort in Gilford, New Hampshire. The race is on June 16th and will be a team effort between two people. One person will run the course while the other bikes it, and after completing an obstacle...

This Week Last Year: Books and Marathons

This week last year was pretty busy. There was a lot of running news and tips, and I continued my animated weight lifting tutorials. The site also surpassed 100 people in a single day this week last year, which was a nice milestone to reach. I continued my animated...

A real example of how exercise improves your life

Having always been an active person, it is hard for me to tell people that I am happy because I exercise a lot. I know that it is true, but the only significant times I have not exercised have been when I was sick so I really do not have a good frame of referene....

Spanish doping charges are deemed unlawful

Last year, a Spanish raid resulted in the ruined careers of athletes even before any hard evidence ever appeared. For some of the people, such as Jan Ullrich, the investigation had already been dropped. The damage had already been done to his reputation, though, and...