Will running a road race kill you?

Are you more likely to die from heart failure by running a road race than if you didn’t? An article in yesterday morning’s New York Times1 discusses the death of 24-year old Sean O’Neill at the Boilermaker 15k. It explores whether or not race directors do...

Parry O’Brien dies while swimming

Parry O’Brien revolutionized the shot putting competition in the early 50s when he begin spinning 180° before loosing the shot. He broke the world record 17 times in total, and won 2 gold medals and a silver medal over 12 years. He retired from athletic...

Alligator kills jogger in Florida

The body of Yovy Suarez Jimenez has been found a day after she disappeared while running along a canal. “The alligator attacked her… bit her… and pulled her into the water,” medical examiner Dr Joshua Perper said. […] Dr Perper –...