GAC Fat Ass 50k – 2012

This evening I went to write today’s journal entry in my copy of the 2012 Runner’s Almanac and realized that today’s quote was quite appropriate. “Pain Is Temporary. Quitting is Forever.”     –Lance Armstrong I drove down...

So What’s a “Fat Ass” Race Really Like?

Ian put together a video of last weekend’s “Fat Ass” 50k for your enjoyment: Now you, too, can enjoy the excitement of 30 miles in the snow but without all the wet feet and scraped shins! The next TMR Fat Ass is scheduled for March 28th at Bradbury...

Blackstrap Hell Trail Video #2

Here is another video from the Blackstrap Hell Trail Challenge, this time from gIANt Parlin. As in yesterday’s video, the transcription is after the break: Pre-race instructions: “Everybody has, I think, a race map. It is a well marked course. “This...

Blackstrap Hell Trail Video

A video is now available from the Blackstrap Hell Trail Challenge last month, put together by Jeff Walker using my footage and Ian Parlin’s photographs. He did a great job, and it’s too bad it took me so long to get him the video footage in the first...

Blackstrap Hell Trail Challenge (2008)

This past Sunday was the first Blackstrap Hell Trail Challenge, which turned out to be 6 miles of slick, muddy, wet single track and bush whacking. The course was great; just to get to the starting line you had to walk through 6 inches of water. Of course, that stream...