Do you refuel during your marathons?

At Complete Running, Mark Iocchelli and Steve “Runner” Walker are debating about whether or not you should refuel during a marathon or whether you should just stick to water. Both make some good points, but I definately side with Steve on this one. I have...

Why we rest and how to fuel it

In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be writing all about rest for the month of October. You can expect a new article on the matter every week. Next week will conclude our collaboration on rest. This week’s article was...

Is “bonking” actually good for you?

Dr. Bente Klarlund Pederse of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, believes that we should spend some of our time training in a glycogen-depleted state in order to maximize our training benefits to increase production of the immune system agent Interleukin-6. In...