What is myocarditis and should I worry about it?

What is myocarditis, and how is it different from a heart attack? As a runner, do I need to worry about it? These are a few questions that went through my head recently after what happened to John Parker. He was reported to have had a heart attack, but that was not...

John L Parker, Jr has had a heart attack

Last week, John L Parker, Jr had a major heart attack and has been in the hospital since. John Parker is best known for his novel, Once a Runner. He seemed to be in great health a month and a half ago when he spoke at Maine Running Company. He has been heavily sedated...

Alberto Salazar has been hospitalized

Alberto Salazar was hospitalized yesterday after collapsing this weekend while training runners at the Nike campus. The newspapers are calling it an unknown “heart event” that has not yet been diagnosed. A stent was used to open an artery after he arrived...