Ryan Shay was killed by drugs

Last weekend, Ryan Shay died during the men’s Olympic Marathon Trials in New York City. He was a hard working young man that everybody liked. He came from a close knit community that has been trying to figure out how they are going to deal with his passing. Over...

Why do you run?

Joan Nesbit Mabe asked an elite athlete who wants her to coach him to write an essay on why he runs. Jason Jabaut spent a few weeks thinking about that, and after countless drafts wrote a bit over 400 words trying to explain it. In his essay (which you can read in...

Athletes Against Doping

I was reading over on Joan Nesbit Mabe’s site and saw that she was supporting a new organization called “Athletes Against Doping”. Their message is fairly simple and straight forward: Today it isn’t good enough to be just a good athlete by...