John Rogers Talks About Beach to Beacon Training

Here’s a short 5 minute clip that was on Fox 23 Maine this morning. John owns the Maine Running Company and offers many training programs, including 2 training programs for the Beach to Beacon. I am one of the 7 certified coaches that help train the runners for...

2009 Weekly Back Cove Race Series » Week 18

The final installment of the 2009 Weekly Back Cove Race Series was this evening, and 113 runners came out to participate. I also got out for my 7th race this year in the series, and my first one since I broke my foot. Curtis Wheeler (01:42:14) brought his overall time...

Weekly Back Cove Race Series » Week 18

The Weekly Back Cove Race Series has now drawn to a close for 2008 with an absolute gorgeous evening with perfect running conditions. Temperatures were in the high 60s with a light breeze. A total of 878 people ran across the finish line 2,192 times for an average of...