Marine Corps Marathon results (2006)

The Marine Corps Marathon was this morning. Ruben Garcia ran about a minute faster than last year, but it was not necessary to repeat his win. He beat Carl Rundell by over 3 minutes. Laura Thompson was unable to break 3 hours, but she won by about 2 minutes over...

Coast to Coast book signing next week

I just heard from Ryan Pancoast that he will be doing a book signing for Coast to Coast on Friday, October 6th, at the Brick City Festival in Rochester, New York. There should also be a few of the other runners from the transcontinental relay there as well. You can...

Coast to Coast reviewed in the Chronicle

I have written about Coast to Coast on this site quite a bit to give it a little promotion after it got published. I even gave a copy away. Coast to Coast was recently reviewed by the Chronicle: When talk of writing a book about the experience came up, months after...

Coast to Coast book review

This week I am giving away a free copy of Coast to Coast; just leave a comment describing a story about running for a chance to win. Coast to Coast is about the November 2004 relay run by the cross country team of the Rochester Institute of Technology. They began the...