Dean Karnazes is running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. This morning, he ran a modified version of the Maine Marathon. This was his 31st marathon, and he has 19 left to go until he finishes at the New York City Marathon.

The group was a little late getting started this morning. I had been waiting at the usual starting line for the Maine Marathon for about an hour before I realized that they were starting and ending at Payson Park instead. Dean got lost on the way to the starting line as well, and did not show up until about a quarter after eight. There were about 20 people running with him, most of whom came through the finish line in 4 huors, 12 minutes and change. The runners were greeted through the finish line by students from Whitehall elementary school, who had been busy amusing themselves by playing kick the can until the runners arrived.

It looked like everybody had a lot of fun, and I probably would have been fine had I decided to run it after all. I have not decided yet whether I am going to regret not running it. I probably will not when all is said and done, since regrets really aren’t worth much when you get right down to it. I got to see the start and finish, and listen to the post race speeches. I even got to bring a friend who recently ran his first marathon to watch the finish. He would have had no idea it was even going on until after the fact otherwise. Hopefully I will get a chance to meet up with Dean after the New York City marathon in 19 days.

Update: Official Report