by Blaine Moore | Workout Tips
Photo by billacOne of the more aggravating problems of warming up is when you get your race clothes wet. Standing at the starting line when you have wet feet or a sweaty singlet does not help to put you into the correct frame of mind for a race. Bring an extra set of...
by Blaine Moore | Reader Questions, Workout Tips
A common question that I have seen on a few forums is how to drink water during a race or during training runs. Knowing when you need water, and how often to drink it, can make or break your race whether you are in the race or still preparing for it. Especially if you...
by Blaine Moore | Sports, Workout Tips
The 10th annual TD BankNorth Beach to Beacon 10k road race is this Saturday morning at 8:00. Since there have been searches here for Beach to Beacon tips, I would like to highlight some important points about the race. First, do not forget that you need to pick up...
by Blaine Moore | Equipment, Reader Questions, Workout Tips
Susan from the Workin’ on My Fitness site recently wrote about doing some ab work in order to get over some work-related stress. I asked her whether she had ever tried using a swiss ball rather than using a machine or just a mat. She emailed me back with the...
by Blaine Moore | Injuries, Reader Questions
Last week I got an email from Jeanne, who is an aerobics instructor. She was asking about one of the guys in her class and some pains that he has been having. If you have opinions or follow up questions then feel free to post in the comments below, and you can always...
by Blaine Moore | Equipment, Shoes
In a continuing collaboration with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be writing about the technology of fitness equipment throughout the month of July. This week I would like to discuss the most important technology that a runner will deal with: running...
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