Sleep is important, especially for children

A study has found that kids who do not get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight than their peers who do get enough sleep. The researchers found that children who got less sleep were more likely to be overweight and have higher body mass index measures than...

Locker Room Etiquette

From dogfaceboyYou may be somebody using a locker for the first time in your life because of a new year’s resolution, or you may be there to get your winter workouts taken care of, or you may be a seasoned gym rat. Good locker room etiquette should still be...

Race Etiquette for Runners

A fresh new year tends to bring a less competitive season to those of us in the Northern hemisphere. As such, it is a good time to remind ourselves of why we race, as well as how we race. Winter races, at least for me, tend to be more of a social affair than a...