by Blaine Moore | Sports, Workout Tips
You have just run a marathon. Congratulations! You should be proud of yourself. The trick now is to recover from it so that you can be as comfortable as possible over the next week and month. Being miserable after your race cuts down on the enjoyment that you derived...
by Blaine Moore | Sports, Workout Tips
You have prepared for your race, you have arrived on the starting line, and now the gun is about to go off. You have prepared yourself to start the race, and now you have to make sure that you have prepared yourself to finish. Here are the considerations you need to...
by Blaine Moore | Sports, Workout Tips
Now that you know what to pack for the starting line and what to pack for the finish line, as well as what to do during the week before your race, it is time to get ready for race day. The morning of your race is important, and having a list to check off can make it...
by Blaine Moore | Sports, Workout Tips
Now that you know what to pack for the starting line and what to pack for the finish line, you need to figure out what you need to actually do the week before you get to the starting line. Your original goal setting should have been done before you planned your...
by Blaine Moore | Sports, Workout Tips
Now that you know what to pack and wear before your marathon, you should consider what to pack in your post-race bag. Marathons and other long races usually require that you pack a little more than you would for a short race such as a 5k, although most of these items...
by Blaine Moore | Fitness, Workout Tips
In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be writing all about rest for the month of October. You can expect a new article on the matter every week. Next week will conclude our collaboration on rest. This week’s article was...
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