Should you see a doctor about your injuries?

In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we we will be writing all about injuries for the month of November. You can expect a new article on the matter every week. This week I would like to explore whether or not you should self-diagnose your...

Strains vs Sprains

In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we we will be writing all about injuries for the month of November. You can expect a new article on the matter every week. This week, Scott describes the difference between strains and sprains. He also...

Marathon Preparation

I enjoy running marathons, and plan on running at least one in every state. I have picked up a few tips and tricks along the way as I find out what works for me and what does not. This series of articles originally began as some random tips off of the top of my head...

Timing Rest

In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we wrote about rest for the month of October. This is the final article in our series. There will be a link to each topic at the bottom of this article. The easiest way to time your rest is with a...