Workout Tip: Eat Breakfast

Anybody that knows me knows that I am not much of one to miss a meal, especially breakfast. Any nutrition book or article that you pick up is most likely going to recommend that you eat something first thing in the morning, and I am no different. Occasionally I will...

Nike sues Adidas over patent infringement

Nike is sueing Adidas over the Nike Shox shoe patent, which Nike believes was stolen to be used in many of Adidas training shoes. “Despite Nike’s patent protection, Adidas has built shoes that use Nike’s technology,” Nike spokesman Vada Manager...

Workout Tip: Negative Pullups

Earlier this week I explained how to do pullups using a pullup bar. But what do you do if you are not strong enough to do a pullup yet, and you do not have a machine to assist you? You can do what is known as a negative pullup. To do a negative pullup, put a step near...

Retooled Beginner/Rusty Workout

Sometimes you really like a workout, but for whatever reason it just is not feasible to do the workout in the manner you have written down. For example, you might have to learn how to navigate a new gym or use dumbbells instead of barbells or machines. In my case, I...

Exercising before bed is not so bad

The Health and Fitness blog talks about a New York Times article that tries to debunk the myth that you should not exercise directly before sleeping. I was unaware of this myth, because I almost always sleep better on a day that I exercise. If I am exercising...