by Blaine Moore | Overcoming Obstacles
While I will occasionally read something from their website, I very rarely purchase an issue of Runner’s World anymore. When I was younger, I was subscribed for years, but around the time that I got to college it just didn’t seem relevant to me anymore....
by Blaine Moore | Overcoming Obstacles
Last week, I asked some questions about how you feel about your marathon through Twitter and Facebook. It’s interesting the range of responses that folks have when it comes to their fears, what aggravates them, and their best experiences. So…let’s...
by Blaine Moore | Overcoming Obstacles
I just got home this week from a vacation in Greece, and it was a really good time. I got to run barefoot in the stadium at Ancient Olympia, did a lot of hiking through Athens to visit all the ruins, and relaxed for the last few days at the beach on the island of...
by Blaine Moore | Overcoming Obstacles, Reader Questions
Photo by boxercabDogs and runners have a love/hate relationship (usually hate.) As a runner, we are invading their turf, putting their owners in danger, moving fast enough to look interesting and tasty, or just have some bright colors on that makes the dog think that...
by Blaine Moore | Overcoming Obstacles
As the temperature has been plummetting recently (it was below zero fahrenheit last night when I got home from work) and the wind and dark and traffic are not a good combination when you have ice and snow covering the sides of the road, I have started running my lunch...
by Blaine Moore | Overcoming Obstacles
Resolutions at the new year are bad you. I do not like making new year’s resolutions, and I advise against them for anybody that bothers to ask me. This is not to say that the end of the year is a bad time to plan the upcoming year; I just mean to say that...
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