Is it a gym, or is it a zoo?

I remember now why it is that I normally lift weights at six o’clock in the morning. At 6 o’clock in the evening, the gym is a zoo. There are people everywhere! It is fit to make you claustrophobic. All of the cardiovascular machines have heaving, sweaty...

My Patriots Day 5 Miler

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Maine Patriots Day 5 Miler went off today at noon. This annual race has been a mainstay in Portland for 77 years now. This year is the first time that I have run it. It was a fun race. The course is not particularly imaginative, but they...

Bulgarian Split squats really burn…

I started my latest workout regimen on Tuesday, and today was the second of the two workouts that will swap back and forth. I am only lifting twice a week, and running for the rest of the week (except this weekend when I will be moving boxes and heavy furniture into...

New weight program for the missus

Earlier I asked for advice on what to have my fiancé do to start getting into shape with weight training. (Core Fitness Suggestions) We started yesterday. I still am not sure exactly what she will be doing on a regular basis, but the first plan of action is to build...