A 3 year old learns to wheel chair race

The following race recap was written by Sara Holtsman, who runs in the St. Louis, Missouri area. She fits in time as a lawyer between her workouts. This past weekend, she had the pleasure of introducing a new athlete into the sport of running and wheelchair racing....

Patriots Day 5 Miler on Veterans Day

I got down to the Patriot’s Day 5 Miler today, which is Veteran’s Day. I’m glad that I got there early; they put me on parking duty and I got to warn people to park higher and higher up the Eastern Prom as the parking lots filled up. Between the race...

Ryan Shay was killed by drugs

Last weekend, Ryan Shay died during the men’s Olympic Marathon Trials in New York City. He was a hard working young man that everybody liked. He came from a close knit community that has been trying to figure out how they are going to deal with his passing. Over...