My preparations for the Boston Marathon

The Boston Marathon is about a month away, which means that this week and next week I will be winding up my training and then starting to wind things down before the race. The original plan this weekend was to run the New Bedford Half Marathon. I ran it a bit shy of...

Would you use tobacco if it cost you $20,000?

Would you use tobacco if it was going to cost you $20,000? Do you think that you could kick your habit for at least the duration of a baseball season? The manager for the Boston Red Sox, Terry Francona, is (quite literally) betting that he can. He needs to abstain...

Boston will be the 2007 Spring Marathon

While I would still prefer to run a different marathon, I can’t really afford to travel very far and I do have a beef to settle with Boston. It is my slowest marathon to date. My plan is to make it my fastest after the next Patriot’s Day has passed. For...