Inspirational Running Books

In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be writing about books throughout the month of February. To start the month off, I am going to talk about running books. Books are a great way to find some coaching without having to break your...

Run to Win in 2006

2006 has been a really busy year here at Run to Win. The website has really grown. I have written a total of about 750 articles so far, with around 900 comments and trackbacks on those articles. I have been taking a look at some of the most popular content over the...

Endurance 50 Maine Marathon Pictures

Dean Karnazes ran the Maine Marathon leg of his 50 marathons on October 17th. Don Penta was there taking photographs, which you can see over at Maine Running Photos. If you look in pictures 22 and 76, you can see me in the background or off to the left side at the...