Should the government mandate body measurements?

Should the government have a say in how much you weigh, or what your maximum BMI is, or how large your waistline is allowed to be? How many personal freedoms would you be willing to give up in order to have a chance to lead a healthier life, reduce the risk of...

Nancy Clark on 20/20 tonight on ABC

Nancy Clark will be featured on 20/20 today on ABC in a segment about food vs. supplements. She is one of New England’s premier nutritionists and has clients such as the Boston Celtics, the Red Sox, multiple Olympic athletes, as well as collegiate and elite...

This Week Last Year: Food and Winter

This week last year, I had food on my mind and was starting to notice that winter was quickly coming on. I shared some research that found that dieting may not be the right solution to obesity. The study compared obese women who partook in a fitness program compared...

Run to Win in 2006

2006 has been a really busy year here at Run to Win. The website has really grown. I have written a total of about 750 articles so far, with around 900 comments and trackbacks on those articles. I have been taking a look at some of the most popular content over the...