Should Olympic Medalists Be Taxed?

Senator Marco Rubio introduced a bill yesterday that would exempt Olympic Athletes from being taxed for earning medals at the Games. Medalists earn an honorarium depending on their medal, $25,000 for a gold down to $10,000 for a bronze medal. The amount they are taxed...

Women Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Run With The Boys

Not according to the IAAF anyway, which is the sport’s international governing body. They currently have a motion in place to invalidate all world records for women who ran in “mixed” races that included men. For a very high profile example of what...

Oscar Pistorius Has An Unfair Advantage (Again)

You may recall a couple years ago when Oscar Pistorius was banned by the IAAF from competing because they felt that his prosthetics gave him an unfair advantage over people that still had both of their legs. This news was quite a sensation, since there seemed (at the...