Running Barefoot on a Treadmill

The following article was written by Mary Gorski to the UltraList. Somebody was asking what gains can be made from barefooting on the treadmill, and how this can be translated into better performance on the roads or trails. Here is Mary’s response (reprinted...

This Week Last Year: Racing & Biking & Doping

This week last year, I offered some advice on what to wear to a race to prevent “severing your leg at the thigh” from chafing. I tried to decide if it was worth running in an ultramarathon a few weeks before my next marathon. Ultimately, I decided that...

Run to Win in 2007

2007 has been a really busy year here at Run to Win. The website has really grown. I wrote more this year than I did last year, and received about half again as many comments and trackbacks. More than twice as many people visited me this year than did in 2006, and...