Halloween Running

This evening is Halloween here in the States. As such, I decided that since drivers would be watching for kids on the side of the road that it would be a good night to run. Of course, I did not consider that there were more than twice as many drivers as usual. All in...

Timing Rest

In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we wrote about rest for the month of October. This is the final article in our series. There will be a link to each topic at the bottom of this article. The easiest way to time your rest is with a...

Marine Corps Marathon results (2006)

The Marine Corps Marathon was this morning. Ruben Garcia ran about a minute faster than last year, but it was not necessary to repeat his win. He beat Carl Rundell by over 3 minutes. Laura Thompson was unable to break 3 hours, but she won by about 2 minutes over...