Natural Running Symposium – Part 3

The Natural Running Symposium took place in October of 2010 at the Maine Running Company. Danny Abshire from Newton Running, Kirsten Buchanan from Impact Sports Medicine and Jamie Raymond from Raymond Chiropractic joined John Rogers to talk about barefoot and natural...

Natural Running Symposium – Part 2

The Natural Running Symposium took place in October of 2010 at the Maine Running Company. Danny Abshire from Newton Running, Kirsten Buchanan from Impact Sports Medicine and Jamie Raymond from Raymond Chiropractic joined John Rogers to talk about barefoot and natural...

Natural Running Symposium – Part 1

The Natural Running Symposium took place in October of 2010 at the Maine Running Company. Danny Abshire from Newton Running, Kirsten Buchanan from Impact Sports Medicine and Jamie Raymond from Raymond Chiropractic joined John Rogers to talk about barefoot and natural...

How The Brooks Gait Analysis Works

Brooks, who makes popular running shoes, created a “carnival bus” and drove around the country with it visiting Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon expos and running stores to show off their products and to do gait analysis on runners. This Autumn they...