by Blaine Moore | Fitness
The Natural Running Symposium took place in October of 2010 at the Maine Running Company. Danny Abshire from Newton Running, Kirsten Buchanan from Impact Sports Medicine and Jamie Raymond from Raymond Chiropractic joined John Rogers to talk about barefoot and natural...
by Blaine Moore | Fitness
The Natural Running Symposium took place in October of 2010 at the Maine Running Company. Danny Abshire from Newton Running, Kirsten Buchanan from Impact Sports Medicine and Jamie Raymond from Raymond Chiropractic joined John Rogers to talk about barefoot and natural...
by Blaine Moore | Fitness
The Natural Running Symposium took place in October of 2010 at the Maine Running Company. Danny Abshire from Newton Running, Kirsten Buchanan from Impact Sports Medicine and Jamie Raymond from Raymond Chiropractic joined John Rogers to talk about barefoot and natural...
by Blaine Moore | Reader Questions, Treadmill Tips
Can you sober up faster by going for a run? How will it affect your blood alcohol levels? If you go for a quick jog around the block, will it be safe for you to drive home after a night at the pub? These are the types of questions that Adam Savage and the Mythbusters...
by Blaine Moore | Workout Tips
I need to replace my Road ID as I lost my last one (I’ve had 2 or 3 already.) I like having the security of knowing that if I get hit by a car again that the emergency workers who find me will know who I am and who to contact if I’m unconscious (or worse)...
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