by Blaine Moore | Workout Tips
Lee Miller over at Complete Running has a list of winter running “do”s and “don’t”s. It is a pretty good list, which I am not going to duplicate here, but I would like to elaborate on a few of his points. I recommend checking out the...
by Blaine Moore | Food & Beverage, Recipes
My fish choice at the grocery store is often based upon the current market price of what they have available. This week, tilapia and the chowder mix were the only things worth shelling out for, and it has been a month or so since I last had tilapia. I wanted to try...
by Blaine Moore | Workout Tips
In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be writing about workout locations for the month of December. You can expect a new article on the matter every week. Scott starts us off by discussing how best to use the beach for your...
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