Hyponatremia: Consumption of Too Much Water

Hyponatremia is something to be aware of but not something to be worried about. It is something that is all the rage in the media these days as something to warn people about, and yes, it can be dangerous. It is just such an easy thing to avoid that a little knowledge and a smattering of common sense can make it a non-issue.

Contact Sports contribute to Alzheimers

The Science Blog has an article about how concussions promote dementia in retired football players, which was mentioned over at Make Stupidity History. I do not necessarily agree with the interpretation by the folks at MSH, but I thought that the original article...

Working out in inclement weather

What to do when an outdoor workout is scheduled for a day when the weather is less than ideal? Perhaps you want to do a speed workout, but it is extremely hot and humid, or perhaps it is snowing with 40 mile per hour winds. Or maybe you just want to go for a bike ride...

Core Fitness with a Swiss Ball

The Health and Fitness Blog has a great animated gif of a core fitness routine using a swiss ball. I have worked this into my workout regimens at times and it is a nice break from just doing situps and crunches. You lay with your head and shoulders on the ground and...

Sore Muscles

Sore muscles plague everybody at some point in their lives; athletes just tend to control when it happens a little easier. Two days ago, I hiked up Mount Washington and then back down. Yesterday morning I was a bit sore, but I felt fine on my four mile jig jog (I...