by Blaine Moore | Books, Food & Beverage, Reviews
In a collaborative effort with Scott over at Straight to the Bar, we will be writing about books throughout the month of February. This week I would like to talk about the diet and (mostly) nutrition books that line my shelves. For athletes, the best book that I have...
by Blaine Moore | Food & Beverage
Photo by Refracted Moments™I have believed for a long time that caffeine is worse for you than alcohol or tobacco. It is just as addictive, and it is not a controlled substance. We seem to force feed it to our kids. Many people only get through college by using...
by Blaine Moore | Food & Beverage, Workout Tips
Wes recently asked me about how to hydrate for a half marathon: Blaine, we have a bunch of folks that are getting ready to get into their longer runs on Team HM Express ( Do you have any articles on hydration and nutrition while running...
by Blaine Moore | Food & Beverage, Recipes
My fish choice at the grocery store is often based upon the current market price of what they have available. This week, tilapia and the chowder mix were the only things worth shelling out for, and it has been a month or so since I last had tilapia. I wanted to try...
by Blaine Moore | Food & Beverage
Are vitamins and other supplements worth taking? Or should you rely solely upon your diet to supply all of your dietary needs? If you take enough vitamins and supplements, can you stop worrying about your diet? The short answers are yes, maybe, and no. The long answer...
by Blaine Moore | Fitness, Food & Beverage, News
The 10th International Congress on Obesity in Sydney was held at the beginning of the month. Gluttony was given a pass as to the reason that the world is so obese these days, and evolution was found to be at fault. The problem is so bad, they contend, that this...
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